ebot in trade

Our ebot is a chatbot solution that can help commerce and ecommerce companies to operate more efficiently and effectively. With its advanced AI capabilities, it can assist with a wide range of tasks, from capturing more customers to handling more orders and resolving customer enquiries faster.

support ebot


sales ebot


notable features

  • $multilingual
  • $available 24/7
  • $integrate with bot persona
  • $decrease customers waiting time
  • $collect data to improve services
  • $controllable customer support service

support ebot

Our ebot support chatbot solution can help commerce and ecommerce companies to provide excellent customer service by quickly and efficiently handling customer inquiries and concerns. Our chatbot can be integrated into a company’s website or mobile app, and can be configured to handle a wide range of customer service tasks, such as answering frequently asked questions, providing product or service information, and helping customers with order status and tracking.

notable features

  • $available 24/7
  • $multilingual
  • $personalised sales service
  • $train with solutions knowledge
  • $adopt bot persona
  • $more consistent sales
  • $collect data to improve strategies

sales ebot

Our ebot sales chatbot solution can help commerce and ecommerce businesses to improve their sales by providing personalised product and solution recommendations to customers. Our chatbot can be integrated into the ecommerce platform, and can be programmed to understand customers’ needs and preferences based on their browsing and purchase history. This allows the chatbot to recommend relevant products and solutions to customers, making the shopping experience more efficient and convenient. Additionally, the chatbot can assist customers in finding the right product, answering questions about products and providing guidance through the purchase process. This can help increase conversions and improve customer satisfaction.

notable features

  • $available 24/7
  • $gather data for better campaigns
  • $analyse data accurately
  • $connects with customers automatically
  • $consistent marketing quality
  • $adopt bot persona

marketing ebot

Our ebot marketing chatbot solution is designed to help commerce and ecommerce businesses grow by connecting with all popular social media platforms. With this chatbot, businesses can run extensive marketing campaigns to reach more customers and increase their sales. The chatbot can assist with tasks such as creating targeted ad campaigns, analysing customer data, and providing personalised product and solution recommendations. By automating these tasks, businesses can save time and resources while reaching a wider audience.

notable features

  • $available 24/7
  • $integrate with technical knowledge
  • $streamline operation
  • $increase efficiency
  • $greater accuracy
  • $integrate into internal system
  • $keeping data confidential

administration ebot

Our ebot administration chatbot solution is designed to help commerce and ecommerce businesses streamline their operations and improve efficiency. The chatbot is able to assist with a variety of tasks including processing orders, handling refunds, and managing internal administrative tasks. This can include managing inventory, tracking expenses, and managing employee schedules. By automating these tasks, the chatbot can help businesses to save time and improve efficiency, allowing them to focus on growing their business.

notable features

  • $available 24/7
  • $integrate with technical knowledge
  • $streamline operation
  • $train with industry data
  • $increase efficiency
  • $greater accuracy
  • $unlimited knowledge database

technical ebot

Our ebot can help commerce and ecommerce companies that offer technical products and solutions to streamline their operations and improve customer service. The chatbot can assist customers with product information, troubleshooting, and technical support. It can also help with order processing and tracking, as well as managing returns and exchanges. With ebot, customers can receive immediate assistance with their technical inquiries, which can improve their overall experience with the company.

notable features

  • $available 24/7
  • $streamline operation
  • $increase efficiency
  • $greater accuracy
  • $alerts on overspending
  • $alerts on time wasting
  • $grow faster and scale easier

management ebot

Our ebot management chatbot solution is specifically designed to assist commerce and ecommerce businesses in navigating through complex decision making processes. This solution is based on providing businesses with relevant and accurate data, which can then be used to make informed decisions. With ebot management chatbot, businesses can more easily identify and achieve their goals, resulting in a more consistent and effective overall strategy. By providing real-time insights and data, our chatbot can help businesses identify trends, improve their product offerings, and optimise their operations

adopt bot persona

a bot persona is the personality and character that a chatbot presents to users when interacting with them. It is an important aspect of chatbot design, as it helps to establish a clear and consistent tone and style for the chatbot’s responses. A well-crafted bot persona can help to build trust and credibility with users, and make the chatbot more engaging and effective.

why use ebot?

reasons to use AI smart chatbots today to boost your productivity and efficiency

scalable chat solution

scale our ebot to meet your growth anytime

integrate direct onto website

our ebot can be implemented on your website directly

artificial intelligence assisted chats

take full advantage of latest AI technology

chatbots with human takeover

our ebot allows for dual chats system