cookie policy

We value your privacy and strive to be transparent in our business practices. We want your data to remain yours.

Cookie Policy
If your browser is configured to accept cookies, we may collect non-personally identifiable information passively using “cookies” and “page tags”.

What’s a cookie?
“Cookies” are small text files that can be placed on your computer or mobile device in order to identify your Web browser and the activities of your computer on the EBOT Service and other websites.

What’s a page tag?
“Page tags,” also known as web beacons or gif tags, are a web technology used to help track website or email usage information, such as how many times a specific page or email has been viewed. Page tags are invisible to you, and any portion of the EBOT Service, including advertisements, or e-mail sent on our behalf, may contain page tags.

Does EBOT use cookies, and why?
Yes. We use cookies to personalize your experience on the EBOT website, to allow us to statistically monitor how you are using the EBOT Service so that we can improve our offerings, and to target certain advertisements to your browser which may be of interest to you or to determine the popularity of certain content. By using cookies and page tags together, we are able to improve the EBOT Service and measure the effectiveness of our advertising and marketing campaigns. Please be aware that this cookie policy does not govern the use of third-party websites or services or providers of third-party services.

Do I have to accept them?
You do not have to accept cookies to use the EBOT Service. If you reject cookies, certain features or resources of the EBOT websites may not work properly or at all and you may have a degraded experience. Although most browsers are initially set to accept cookies, you can change your browser settings to notify you when you receive a cookie or to reject cookies generally.

To learn more about cookies; how to control, disable or delete them, please visit Some third party advertising networks, like Google, allow you to opt out of or customize preferences associated with your internet browsing. All cookies, on our website and everywhere else on the web, fall into one of four categories: Strictly Necessary, Performance, Functionality, Targeting/Advertising.

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