data and privacy

We ensure that your customer data remains secure and private with us. We take great care of your data, providing complete privacy for you and your customers

your data remains your property

you can download all of your data

excellent privacy protocol

your data will not be given to third party

key benefits

At ebot platform, we prioritise the security and privacy of your data. Please see the details in our Privacy Policy for more information on how we handle data sharing. With our commitment to data protection, we offer an excellent privacy solution for your business.

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who is using ebot?

explore to find businesses that are using AI smart chatbots to boost productivity and efficiency

ebots for hospitality

help your businesses handle customers more efficiently

ebots for education

improve your customer service quality and efficiency

ebots for consultancy

provides 24/7 consultancy services to worldwide clients

ebots for construction

improve efficiency, reduce cost and save time

ebots for services

engage with customers quicker and more efficiently

ebots for wellness

provide more consistent wellness services

ebots for trade

helping businesses to reach wider range of customers

ebots for health care

faster healthcare service and more consistent diagnosis

connect better

engage better

work better